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How to find your transaction hash
How to find your transaction hash

How to find your transaction hash in order to provide it to support.

Ryhs avatar
Written by Ryhs
Updated over a week ago

If you contact our support team about a deposit or withdrawal issue, they will likely ask you for the transaction hash (TXID) of the deposit/withdrawal so they can help you better.

Transaction hashes are unique strings assigned to transactions on the blockchain and allow anyone to view the status of a transaction, as well as the sender, destination, and fees paid. They will typically look something like this:

  • 6146ccf6a66d994f7c363db875e31ca35581450a4bf6d3be6cc9ac79233a69d0

Or they can be in the form of a link:

You can usually find transaction hashes tied to transactions in your wallet history. On wallets like MetaMask, clicking a transaction will give you the option to "Copy Transaction ID".

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